Scott served as Chair of the Canadian Transportation Agency; Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet for Economic Policy; Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy with Transport Canada; Executive Director of the Aerospace Review; Assistant Deputy Minister and Head of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service with the Labour Program; Vice President, Program Delivery with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency; Director General, Human Resources with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans; and Director, Pay Equity and Settlement Monitoring with the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

This experience has provided Scott with a broad understanding of public policy, communications, and engagement, and deep sectoral and subject-matter expertise in the areas of:

  • air, rail, and marine transportation;
  • aerospace;
  • international trade;
  • environmental assessment;
  • labour relations and collective bargaining;
  • employment standards;
  • workplace health and safety; and
  • human rights, including pay equity, employment equity, and accessibility for persons with disabilities.